How shoes came??

Once upon a time there was a king. He had a large state. One day he got the idea of ​​travelling to the country and he planned to tour the country and had to go out to roam. When he returned from the journey, came to his castle. He complained of hurting his feet with his ministers. The king said that the pebbles that were in the way pierced my feet and made some arrangements for it.

After considering some time, he ordered his soldiers and ministers to cover the entire roads of the country with leather. All of us have come to hear the king's order. But nobody even dared to refuse. It was certain that there was a lot of money needed for this work. But still no one said anything. After a while, a Buddhist minister of the king took out a device. He went to the king and scared and said that I want to give you a suggestion.
I have a good idea if you do not want to waste so many rupees unnecessarily. By which you will also get the job done and the waste of unnecessary rupees will also be saved. The king was surprised because for the first time someone had told him not to obey his command. She said what the suggestion is. The minister said that instead of covering the streets of the entire country with leather, why do not you cover your feet using a piece of leather. The king saw the minister in astonishing manner and ordered his suggestion to make shoe for himself.
This story teaches us an important lesson that should always think about solutions that are more useful. It is not wise to think of the unpredictable solution in haste. Conversations with others can also be solved.